A flatlander's song sung
in Plato's cave (part 1)
To be or not
to be
That is the
Whether t'is
nobler to be more inclined to be inclined on the incline
Or must
we decline to be declined too declined?
Whether t'is
nobler to consolidate the solution to the problem
By taking up
arms against the enemy.?
Or must we
always suffer to understand the consequences?
These then
are the questions
And the sight
of victory has no end
Because we can
see no end of victory in the fight.
Victory becomes
the mere sign of victory
So in our
timidity we reframe the question and ask
Whether tis
nobler in the mind to slow the descent of time to a halt?
Or to
resolutely quicken our pace so as to hasten the arrival of the inevitable?
Leaning into,
or against the shoulder of another incline or decline,
I see the
silhouette of humankind endlessly striving or diving
Always between
the curves of an endless sine wave,
oscillating between zenith and nadir In the unceasing push and pull of
are Sisyphus without the rock.
It’s bullshit
Yet in this
state of 'no thingness',
The completion
of the task we have set for ourselves
Is postponed rather than abandoned, or deferred.
And I find
that even in the depths of my timidity,
I still have
the temerity to ask,
'To be or not
to be?'
For only then
do I see in the same light of immaculate perfection that Hamlet saw
To be or not
to be
The root of
his own musings and his own dilemma.
The choice
was always as hard for him as it was for me.
This is the
case now, as it was then, as it forever will be.
Yet when we
turn away from the present,
What forms of
fantasies or nightmares will come in that undiscovered country
That we are always
sailing to.
Will we
face the same problems there as we do here.
But this time with either more ornament
and less brutality than before?
Or more control and less brutality and ornament?
They are the same
problems in other words (always)
A thousand
times amplified but equals in the same measure
An endless
cycle of endless taking and giving;
The stuff of
both nightmares and dreams, dreamt almost at the same time.
But for now I
grow tired
Aye and
there’s the rub; because in spite of all the respect that understanding can
It is, in the final analysis, is the very same disrespect.
That through
our interest or obedience makes fools of us all.
And yet it is
also in the disrespect that life shows itself to itself
As death
shows itself to itself in the contempt for everyday things and human sized problems
Every time a
victory is won in one arena,
a defeat is registered in another.
And thus the
net reduction in suffering in any scenario is reduced to zero.
‘we were made
to suffer, it’s our lot in life’
But tor whom
or for what would I want to bear the whips and scorns outrageous fortune,
endlessly and outrageously?
I may just prefer
lose myself in the jungle gym of some narcotic oblivion
Or chase down
the endless shock corridors of madness in some asylum.
‘bashing in
veins or brains for some kind of peace'.
(for the good
of humankind and all that)
The endless
search for an inevitably elusive destination is the very definition of seeming.
And I am
still won’t to mistake the mirror for the horizon; the map for
the territory; the unified theory of everything for the truth and
walk determinedly backwards into every future imaginable.
So then the
inquiry must once again turns again inward.
To be or not
to be.